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IOS Mobile Travel app

The Quail


The travel industry is one that has grown rapidly over the past years and will continue to do so. While many businesses are entering niche markets in order to address pain points in the travel planning process, there are still issues and stressors yet to be addressed particularly relating to the initial planning and itinerary planning. This new app created to address these issues.


The purpose of this study is to gain insight as to what pain points people have when planning their trip as well as the things that are most important to people when considering planning a vacation. The purpose of the new app is to mitigate these pain points and focus on what really matters to people when planning a trip.

My Role

I worked as the only UX/UI designer for this project. I also design a logo for the project.


Adobe XD - Adobe Illustrator - Adobe Photoshop - Miro - Invision - Google form

The Process


The research phase began with a proto persona who had some pain points such as: 

  • Not to find a trip with her limited budget

  • Wasting time

  • TO lose a flight 

Based on my proto persona I interviewed ten people, which would give me more detailed, qualitative information. The questions would help me understand what people need when they want to plan a trip. From this information I can find out the pain points and what they consider when they planning a trip.

There was also an online survey written and posted on social media and networking sites to gather quantitative data which gave me some important numbers.

Interview Transcripts

icon 3.png

“ The hardest part of the trip is that I always worry about all the information that I have to keep in my mind. For example Date, time of flights and flights number, hotel reservation and location.”

icon 2.png

“I would like to access the app that helps me to send my location to my family. They are always worried about my safety.”

icon 1.png

“It would be great if I could manage my budget during trip ignorer not to waste so much money.”

Next, I did the Affinity Diagram. Separated the interview data into different categories and then pointed out what can make travellers happy or frustrated.

Affinity Diagram (1)-2.jpg

Empathy Map

Empathy map 23-01.jpg
Affinity Diagram (1)-3.jpg

User Persona

Empathy map 23-02.jpg


During the survey, We discovered that the majority of travellers need to have a plan for their trip. They are overwhelmed by remembering every detail, such as date & time of their flights and hotel reservations & locations.


“We believe that designing an app for travellers who need planning before a trip will allow them to be organized in planning and feel less stress about missing detail of their trip.

Our app designed to help them feel relief and comfort from the first step of planning to last step of landing.”

Problem Statement

Travellers are overwhelmed by keeping travel plans organized, such as date & time of their flights and hotel reservations & locations.

Competitor Analysis

competiror analysis-06.jpg


After defining the main issues, I did the brainstorming; How to help travellers to keep the itinerary organized and always available. 

The first process was I Like, I wish, What if method, where I explore what my persona like or wish to have and if she wants to change anything, what would that be?

I Like...

I Wish...

What If...


Once I had those, I organized them into Feature Prioritization Matrix, which would help me what features would be most necessary.



Story board.jpg

User Journey Map

User Journey Map.jpg

Sketches & Wireframes

User Flow

I designed the User Flow based on the tasks that we thought our users need to go through, And iterated a lot to reach the best flow.

User Flow.jpg


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Usability Testing

I did the user testing to noticed how the tasks and flows are easy and understandable for users and which part needs more attention or needs to change.

After testing I sorted the issues and suggestions for Guerilla Testing. Labelled them by frequency and the severity of the issues. The most important one was the home page. It was not clear for the user which page is the home page. After that, I had to add the profile page. 

Gurilla testing.jpg

User Flow Iteration

User Flow Iteration.jpg
Mock up 2.jpg

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